Empower Blog


Semi-Private Training

October 05, 20243 min read

Are you someone who feels you want more than what group classes can offer but wants cost-effective sessions? The Empower Team is working together to offer semi-private training, a unique blend of personal attention and affordability that is more appealing than the cost of one-on-one personal training.

So, what is semi-private training?

Unlike group classes, semi-private sessions are conducted with a smaller group of participants, typically between 3 to 6 individuals. This intimate setting allows for more individualized instruction and feedback from a coach.

So, what are some key benefits of semi-private training?

  • Personalized Programming: The coach designs your program to help you achieve your specific training goals.

  • Personalized Attention: The coach can focus on each participant's goals and needs, ensuring that everyone receives tailored guidance and support.

  • Motivating Atmosphere: The smaller group setting creates a supportive and encouraging environment, helping participants stay motivated and accountable.

  • Affordable Option: Compared to one-on-one training, semi-private sessions offer a more cost-effective way to achieve fitness goals.

Who is it for?

  • Individuals who are seeking focused and personalized training.

  • People who prefer a more intimate training environment.

  • Those looking for a cost-effective alternative to one-on-one training.

  • Groups of friends or family members who want to work out together.

If you are interested or want to discuss this, please get in touch with me or the Empower team for details.

SA kettlebell

All About the Kettlebell

One goal for today's workout: hang on to the kettlebell for as long as possible. Perform at least 10 single-arm swings every time you pick up the kettlebell. The same goes for the goblet squats. Try to hang on for bigger sets, and don't put the kettlebell down when you get to your set of 10. Aim to complete today's workout in 10 minutes or less.

Partner Warm-up | 8:00 | H:02 - :10

With a partner, perform 3 sets:

10/10 Squat with rotation pass

10/10 Lateral lunge with throws

10/10 Forward-backward lunge with pass

Tech | 2:00 | H:10 - :12

Single Arm Kettlebell Swing

CAP Demo: KB front squat

Specific Warm-up | 6:00 | H:12 - :18

Single Arm Kettlebell Swing Progression | 3:00 | H:12 - :15


  • 3-5 SA KB swing, left

  • 3-5 SA KB swing, right

  • Note: build to workout weight

Goblet Squats | 3:00 | H:15 - :18


  • 3-5 goblet squats (moderate weight)

  • 3-5 goblet squats (workout weight)

BREAK | 2:00 | H:18 - :20

WOD | Target time: <10:00 | H:20 - :30


30-20-10 reps for time of:

Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, right arm

Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, left arm

Kettlebell goblet squats

♀ 53 lb

♂ 70 lb

Intermediate option:

30-20-10 reps for time of:

Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, right arm

Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, left arm

Kettlebell goblet squats

♀ 35 lb

♂ 53 lb

Beginner option:

20-15-10 reps for time of:

Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, right arm

Single-arm Russian kettlebell swings, left arm

Kettlebell goblet squats

♀ 18 lb

♂ 26 lb

Core Finisher | Target: 5:00 - 10:00 | H:35 - :45

40-30-20-10 for time:

Crossbody V-ups

Cooldown | 5:00 | H:45 - :50

1 set:

1:00 cobra stretch

1:00 scorpion stretch

1:00 double forearm stretch

1:00 quad stretch

1:00 pigeon pose

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