Empower Blog

Two women stretching

Grippy Day!

September 07, 20242 min read
Barbell and a person

Today’s workout is a pyramid-style chipper with a moderately heavy load. The goal is to perform at least reps of 5 of the hang power cleans and expect the front squats to be a grind. Focus on keeping the elbows high during the front squats and leading with the elbows out of the bottom of each rep.

Warm-up | 8:00

2-3 sets:

6 inchworm + push-ups

8 alternating Cossack squats

10 KB or DB goblet squats (mod. weight)

– Increase dumbbell load for the goblet squats each set.

Tech | 2:00

The Hang Power Clean

Hang Power Clean Cycling

The Front Squat

The Front Squat with Denise Thomas

Specific Warm-up | 15:00

Hang Power Clean Cycling and Building | 8:00


5 hang muscle cleans - start barbell in the front rack position

5 hang power cleans - start in a front rack position to a clean then immediately into the hang position

  • Continue to build to 75-85% of your 1RM

Front Squat Progression and Building | 7:00

5 3-position pause squats (pause at quarter-squat, above parallel, and below parallel to lift elbows

5 front squats (pause in the bottom squat for 2 seconds to lift the elbows)

5 front squats (hips back and elbows up to initiate squat)

  • Continue to build to 75-85% of your 1RM

Break | 2:00

WOD | TC: 30:00


For time:

25 hang power cleans

50 front squats

25 hang power cleans

♀ 115 lb

♂ 165 lb

Intermediate option:

For time:

25 hang power cleans

50 front squats

25 hang power cleans

♀ 75 lb

♂ 115 lb

Beginner option:

For time:

15 hang power cleans

30 front squats

15 hang power cleans

♀ 55 lb

♂ 75 lb

Cooldown | 3:00

1 set:

1:00 Cobra stretch

1:00 frog stretch

1:00 seated straddle stretch


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