Empower Blog

September Dog of the Month

Toby on Top: Empower Paws & Claws in Review

September 01, 20242 min read

Toby stands out in my memory as one of the original Empower Dogs, making his first appearance at the old gym back in January 2017. He only poked his nose in once or twice and he didn’t stay long due to the small size of the gym—there really wasn’t much room for dogs back then! Nonetheless, he made a lasting impression.

Toby hails from Washington State and belongs to long time members Doc Disc and Shine who got him after a frightening incident 7 years ago where they were robbed while they slept, losing four laptops. They thought having a dog might have prevented this situation and shortly thereafter Toby took up residence.

empower pets

By Doc Disc:

I nominate Toby for dog of the month. Poor Toby usually has to play second fiddle to his feisty younger sister Freyja, but this old soul handles it with grace and elegance. When he does get to come to the gym, he can be counted on to cheer on the athletes. Toby enjoys hiking, walks on the beach, and barking at people who walk in front of our house.

Empower Pets

Paws and Claws

Last October, we set out to showcase members' dogs with the goal of featuring a dog a month for a year. We almost had a gap month, but at the last minute, fittingly, a black cat snuck in. In the end, we got to know 11 dogs and 1 cat, each with their own unique story. A calendar could be made! Thank you Empower members for sharing your family pets with us. Here’s a recap:

It all started in October 2023 with Maisy (members HHH & Smash)

empower pets

November 2023 Juno (Peril and Dangers)

empower pets

December 2023 Uki (Pepper and Iron Man)

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January 2024 Waffle (Spice and Livewire)

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February 2024 Freyja (Doc Disc and Shine)

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March 2024 Whisky (Jennifer: Fit Over Forty, Lift Over Forty, Family Fit)

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April 2024 River (DT)

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May 2024 Lilah (Radar and Hawkeye)

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June 2024 Lucy (Magnum, Upgrade, 3.0)

empower pets

July 2024 Ripley (Rico and Dizzy)

empower pets

August 2024 Feisty (Iron Dam)

empower pets

September 2024 Toby (Doc Disc and Shine)

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