Empower Blog

CrossFit is the most effective general physical preparedness program around.

6 Tips: How to Get the Most Out of CrossFit

January 24, 20255 min read

CrossFit is the most effective general physical preparedness program around.  Or the most effective that I have found to date.  And I spend a lot of time looking because my primary motivation is not belonging to the CrossFit “cult” but sustaining the highest level of fitness possible as I age.  My fitness journey began a long time ago in my early teens but discovering CrossFit in 2005 at the age of 33 marked the most significant turning point in my fitness journey.

Twenty years later it is still remarkable to me the extent to which CrossFit has not only transformed my fitness level but allowed me to maintain an age-defying degree of strength and fitness. 

So, why doesn’t CrossFit work for everyone?  For starters, not everyone is looking for broad, general, physical fitness.  Some folks have sport specific goals such as bulking up or getting stronger or improving their VO2 Max and they may be willing to sacrifice other components of fitness in order to achieve their desired outcomes.  That is their prerogative.  And while CrossFit certainly provides a great base of fitness and helps reduce imbalances and over training injuries associated with sport-specific training, it is not the fastest, most effective way to develop narrowly specified performance goals.

Another, broader portion of the population doesn’t truly want broad, general fitness, they just want to feel like they are fit, or feel like they are doing something that should get them fit, even if the results are sub-par.  Maybe they just love breaking a sweat and getting their heart rate up and consider push presses with 5lb dumbbells all the strength training they really need.  There are lots of fun group training programs that deliver this in a very accessible way.  One of our friends recently closed his CrossFit affiliate to open a Madabolic franchise which is basically like F45: a station-based cardio circuit mixing high intensity movements at low weight and bodyweight to deliver that coveted “burn.”  People call it CrossFit without the heavy weights or high skill gymnastics but it really is not because it also leaves out the key CrossFit principle of constantly varied as they work the same energy system and movements daily.  And you know how I feel about it?  It’s better than nothing.  Let’s not let perfection be the enemy of good.  If it gets folks off the couch, that’s fantastic! 

But personally, I want the best results for my time invested.  Let’s assume you’re goals are similar, how do you approach CrossFit so that you can continue doing it for 20+ years?

1) Prioritize mechanics
Stop just going through the motions.  Study them.  Learn how to perform them with biomechanical excellence.  Stop racing the clock or the scoreboard and start prioritizing quality reps.  Every sloppy rep is another micro tear to your connective tissue, another step closer to injury.

2) Preserve the intended training stimulus
The loads you use should match the intended training stimulus.  For example, for most people Fran should be about a 5 minute workout give or take a couple minutes.  If it takes you 15 minutes to complete it then you need to reduce the thruster weight or use an easier pull up progression.  On the other hand, if you are completing Fran in less than 5 minutes and not using the Rx’d loads, you need to increase the movement difficulty until you are closer to the five minute mark.  Some of you always go too heavy, others consistently go too light.  One puts you in harm’s way, the other robs you of the desired fitness results.

3) Log your scores
Did you finish Fran in under 5 minutes last time?  If so, what loading progression did you use?  Not sure, check your training log.  If you are a man and finished at 4:40 using 75lbs for the thruster last time, try it this time at 80lbs.  If you don’t track your scores, you will not know if you are progressing and you will tend to choose loads at random, sometimes going too heavy, other times going too light.  

4) Be adaptable
In a perfect world you would show up for training perfectly healthy every day.  But that is just not how reality works.  Life plays rough.  Do not skip the gym just because you are not 100% but don’t try to tough your way through injury either.  Be open to adapting the workout to train around issues that may arise.  When in doubt, ask your coach.

5) Be consistent
CrossFit works.  But only if you do.  3 training sessions per week minimum.  I’m still not convinced more training sessions are necessary.  Of course, this means 3 CrossFit workouts.  Rucking doesn’t count.  Neither does Original Strength.  Rucking and Original Strength are awesome fitness activities, I recommend them both.  But in addition to, not in place of, your 3 weekly CrossFit workouts. 

6) Be coachable
CrossFit coaches are trained to help you excel as an athlete.  You are not so proficient that there is nothing left for you to learn.  None of us are.  Be open to the coaching.  It is intended to help you.  If you’re not sure, ask.  Your coach is here to support you.  What is the intended stimulus?  What is the appropriate loading?  How do you train around an injury?  Don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers, that’s what your coach is for.

At Empower, we want you to succeed in achieving and maintaining your desired fitness results.  If broad general physical fitness is your goal, CrossFit is the best vehicle for accomplishing this.  Twenty years and still going strong, I want the same and more for you!  It is possible but it is not easy.  It does require setting aside your ego, doing away with your excuses and just committing to the process of excellence. 

Wishing you a happy lifetime of fitness!

Vancouver Personal Training

Make Up Day

Empower Reset #20

1 min Knees to belly breathing

30/30 sec Knees to belly head nods/rotations 

 5 mins
20 heads-up cross touch dead bugs

20 head pressed down windshield wipers

 3 mins seated Roll to Commando Crawl 

 5 mins
10 cross touch plank bird dogs
10 judo push up rocks 

5 mins

Max Handstand Hold

Max Leopard Crawl 

Max Hanging Hold

10 medball get ups

Max Table Pose

10 medball get ups

Max Squat Hold
20 Cross Crawls

2) KB Complex

5 Double KB Cleans
5 Double KB S2OH
5 Double KB OHS

1,000-meter row
50 deadlifts
30 handstand push-ups

Open 17.5

10 Rounds:

9 Thrusters

35 DU

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