It is a failing of the fitness industry that exercises chosen randomly often end up overstimulating tonic muscles which need relaxation, while stretching phasic muscles which need to be activated and strengthened.
Especially as we age, a lot of us encounter mobility challenges. Encouraging us to compete with movement deficiencies however is not doing us any favours but is in fact exposing us to long term harm.
Yes, you have a bulging disc but that is not why you have back pain. Known triggers for back pain include prolonged sitting, stress and inflammation associated with poor diet, stress, sedentarism and lack of sleep. Where will you feel this inflammation first? Wherever a bulging disc protrudes from the spine and presses on a nerve. But, as the studies show, a disc bulge is not required to experience back pain.
Why should you care? Your glutes are your primary and most powerful hip extensors. Your hips are involved in all functional movements including walking, running, jumping, etc. If your glutes are not firing effectively, your body must recruit other assistance muscles to compensate. These smaller weaker muscles then become overworked or strained.
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