Empower Blog

As we age, we are more prone to suffering symptoms of inflammation.  So, what can you do about it?

Arthritis and You

February 14, 20252 min read

Arthritis is inflammation of a joint.  As we age, we are more prone to suffering symptoms of inflammation.  So, what can you do about it?

1. Drink more water.  Most of us are dehydrated.  This contributes to stiffness and soreness.  Coffee, alcohol and other caffeinated beverages do not count as they tend to dehydrate you.  Drink more water.  Especially if you also drink coffee or imbibe.

2. Get out in the sun.  Vitamin D is a powerful anti-inflammatory and most people north of the 49th parallel are low in vitamin D due to our northerly latitude.  Especially during the short, dark days of winter when sunlight is scarce and you don’t want to spend too much time outside. 

3. Exercise.  I know, when your joints ache, the last thing you want to do is move but, studies have shown that exercise reduces arthritis pain.

4. Get some heat.  Saunas and hot tubs are my favourite options but I bet hot yoga works too.  Heat seems to help at least temporarily with joint discomfort.

5.  Supplement with fish oil.  Fish oil possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties.  Warning, not all supplements are created equal.  Personally I recommend the Nordic Naturals brand which is one of the highest quality most trusted brands as assessed by third party testers. 

6. Eat better.  I know you would rather suffer aching knees and hips than give up your favourite movie snacks or forego your Friday pizza night but sugar and starches are contributing mightily to your inflammation.  Your  coaches know who you are.  We can tell by how stiff you are when you show up to the gym.  Unless you have tried it before, you cannot imagine how much diet impacts inflammation. 

I don’t know that we can prevent arthritis but you certainly have influence over your arthritis symptoms.  Training as you age requires a lot more effort and personal care than training while you are young.  That’s why I love to misquote Eleanor Roosevelt “A fit young person is an accident of nature; a fit older person is a work of art.”  Keep working on your masterpiece!

Vancouver Personal Training

Friday Make Up Day

Empower Reset #43
10 mins
20 Deadbugs

20 Egg Rolls
20 Windshield Wipers
20 Glute Raises

10 mins
20 Hands & Knees Rock
20 Bird Dogs
10/10 Leg Extended Rock R/L

10 mins
Alternate Between:

Hands & Knees Crawl

Leopard Crawl

10 mins
10 Full Body Rocks
20 Cross Crawl March
10 Cross Crawl Squats
10 Cross Crawl Reverse Lunges
10 Cross Crawl Side Lunges

10 Cross Crawl Curtsy Lunges

30 handstand push-ups

30 deadlifts

30 ring dips

30 power cleans

30 pull-ups

30 thrusters

On a 12-minute clock, complete:

75 wall-ball shots

800-meter run

Max burpee box jump-overs

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