Empower Blog

Man doing a back squat

Back Squat Day

August 31, 20241 min read
Man doing back squat

The goal here is to start heavy and stay heavy. Holding 85% and above will be an excellent challenge for those who know their recent max. All athletes, mainly those newer to strength days, work at a challenging weight that still enables them to maintain sound mechanics.

Warm-up | 8:00

3 sets:

20 jumping jacks

10 Spiderman lunges

10 Cossack squats (5/leg)

5 goblet squats (light/med/heavy KB)

5 paused goblet squats

Tech | 2:00

Demo: back squats

Specific Warm-up | 6:00

3 back squat initiations - chest up and move hips back to initiate the squat

3 above-parallel back squats - hold just above parallel and chest up

5 back squats - chest up at the bottom of the squat

5 back squats - chest up throughout the entire squat

  • Build to 70-75% of 1RM

WOD | 28:00

Back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Goal is 85% and above on every set

First working set: 80-85% of 1RM

We will lift every 4 minutes which should give you about 3 minutes of rest between sets.

Our lifting windows are:

:25 - :29 - :33 - :37 - :41 - :45 - :49

Post loads to comments.

Skill of the Month | 5:00


Handstand hold

Cooldown | 5:00

Elevated quad stretch

Elevated pigeon pose

Post squat stretch

Standing pike stretch


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