Empower Blog

Clean, Box jump, Chest-2-Bar Pull-Ups

Cleans, Box Jumps, and C2Bs: Endurance in Motion

September 21, 20241 min read

This Saturday, you'll take on a challenging triplet consisting of 2 power cleans, 3 box jumps, and 4 chest-to-bar pull-ups for 20 rounds. Each round is short, but the sheer number of rounds means you're in for a high-volume workout. The goal is to maintain a steady pace throughout and minimize transition times between movements.

The load on the barbell will be on the heavier side, so you'll likely perform single reps on the cleans. The height of the box will be the usual for both men and women. If chest-to-bar pull-ups aren't yet an option, you'll work through your most challenging pull-up progression.

This workout is not just a physical test but a mental one as well, given the high volume.

See you all in group classes, on the zoom, or in the open gym.

Big Cat



Warm up

1 minute each:

- KB Swings
- Bar hang
- Box step ups
- Ring rows


- Clean drop sequence


- Power clean
- Box jumps
- C2B pull ups


20 rounds:

- 2 power cleans @125/185 #
- 3 box jumps @20/24 “
- 4 C2B

Cool Down

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