Empower Blog

DT with a Twist: Pushing Limits Safely

DT with a Twist: Pushing Limits Safely

Published on: 28/09/2024

This Saturday, you’ll be taking on a modified version of the Hero WOD DT. Originally, DT is a workout consisting of 5 rounds of deadlifts, hang power cleans, and shoulder-to-overheads.

WOD Fathers Words
Cleans, Box Jumps, and C2Bs: Endurance in Motion

Cleans, Box Jumps, and C2Bs: Endurance in Motion

Published on: 21/09/2024

This Saturday, you'll take on a challenging triplet consisting of 2 power cleans, 3 box jumps, and 4 chest-to-bar pull-ups for 20 rounds.

WOD Fathers Words
Heavy Squat Snatches, Fast Burpees

Heavy Squat Snatches, Fast Burpees

Published on: 14/09/2024

This Saturday, you'll take on a couplet of squat snatches and bar-facing burpees. The workout follows an E3MOM format for 7 sets, with each set consisting of 5 heavy squat snatches followed by 15 bar-facing burpees.

WOD Fathers Words
Rowing and Plank Ladder

Rowing and Plank Ladder

Published on: 07/09/2024

This Saturday, you'll tackle a couplet of rowing and plank holds. The workout follows a ladder format for both rowing distance and plank hold time

WOD Fathers Words


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