Empower Blog

Modified DT

DT with a Twist: Pushing Limits Safely

September 28, 20242 min read

This Saturday, you’ll be taking on a modified version of the Hero WOD DT. Originally, DT is a workout consisting of 5 rounds of deadlifts, hang power cleans, and shoulder-to-overheads.

However, this variation is designed as a 5-round interval workout, with 2 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest between each round. The goal during each 2-minute work period is to complete 1 round of DT, then use any remaining time to max out calories on the Echo bike.

While pushing through the deadlifts and quickly cycling the barbell to make time for the bike can be tempting, it also increases the risk of injury, especially to the lower back. To keep things safer, we are suggesting a more functional alternative. First, you'll complete all 5 rounds of DT as usual. At the end of the 5 rounds, you’ll take as much rest as needed (up to a maximum of 5 minutes). Afterward, you’ll do one all-out effort for max calories on the bike for one minute.

As for the barbell, choose a weight that allows you to perform all shoulder-to-overheads unbroken. For the deadlifts, aim to break them into no more than three sets, and for the hang power cleans, limit yourself to two sets. 

See you all in group classes, on the zoom, or in the open gym.

Big Cat


Warm up

2 rounds, 1 minute each:

- Judo push-up rocks
- Banded RDLs
- Alternating Cossac squats
- DB Scott presses


- Deadlift
- Hang power clean
- Shoulder-to-overhead


5 x 2 min:
1 round of DT:
- 12 deadlifts
- 9 hang power cleans
- 6 shoulder-to-overheads @105/155#
- Max calorie bike in the remaining time

Rest 1 min between rounds.

5 rounds:
- 12 deadlifts
- 9 hang power cleans
- 6 shoulder-to-overheads @105/155#

Rest as needed (max 5 min)
- Max calorie bike for 1 minute

Cool Down

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