This Saturday's workout is a couplet of double-unders and freestanding handstand push-ups.
For most of us, the freestanding handstand push-up is not an option yet, so we will substitute it with your most challenging handstand push-up progression, whether it is a strict handstand push-up, kipping handstand push-up, pike push-up on the box, or pike push-up on the floor.
The workout itself is short, and we will spend most of the class time on handstand push-up drills. These drills can be done about a foot away from the wall if you are a more seasoned athlete or very close to the wall if needed. If these drills are too challenging, we will substitute them with more doable options to ensure everyone gets a good gymnastics practice session.
See you all in group classes, on the zoom, or in the open gym.
Big Cat
Warm up
1 minute each:
- Skipping (singles)
- PVC shoulder pass-throughs
- Skipping (side/side/centre)
- Inch worm with push-up
- DU
- Calf raises
Handstand drills:
- Headstand/Inch worm (4 mins)
- Headstand with knees to chest/Pike headstand (4 mins)
- Headstand, kick to handstand, hold/Pike handstand (4 mins)
- Kick to handstand, hold, lower to headstand/Pike push-up negatives (4 mins)
- Multiple HSPU/Multiple pike push-ups (4 mins)
- Rest, setup (10 mins)
10 min AMRAP
- 35 DU
- 5 freestanding HSPU
Cool Down