Empower Blog

Bringing home the bling

Empower Owns the Podium: Throwdown Weekend Results

September 30, 20243 min read

The Fraser Valley Throwdown at the Richmond Oval was a smashing success!  Over 300 athletes participated including an advance scout team from CrossFit Empower including four veteran masters athletes: The Touch, Hardrock, WOD Father and Motor and four teen rookies in Marcus, Piper, Fury and F-Bomb.

Vancouver Personal Training

It was a grueling schedule with 4 events Saturday and a 3-part event Sunday.  Here’s what our teens and masters took on:

Vancouver Personal Training

Event 1: Pitch Perfect
For Reps
15 minutes
Buy In: 300ft KB Weighted Lunges
20x 100ft shuttle run
100ft Burpee Broad Jumps

Vancouver Personal Training

Event 2: Show Off
For Time
Time Cap: 12 mins
Pull Ups

Vancouver Personal Training

Event 3: Snatchtatsic
For Load
Time Cap: 5 mins
In one unbroken set:
1 Snatch Grip Deadlift
2 Hang Snatches

Vancouver Personal Training

Event 4: Hang Out
For points
Max Bar Hang (3 min cap) 1 point per 10 sec
2 min Max DU (minimum sets of 10, 1 point per 10)
1 min Max Axle Bar Thrusters

Vancouver Personal Training

Event 5: Row’d Rage
For Time

Part 1:
3 min Cap:
9 Wall Balls
9 T2B
9 cal Row
9 C&J Heavy
1 min Rest

Part 2:
6 min Cap:
15 Wall Balls
15 T2B
15 cal Row
15 C&J Medium Heavy
1 min Rest

Part 3:
9 min Cap:
21 Wall Balls
21 T2B
21 cal Row
21 C&J Grace Weight (95/135)

Each of the sections of this final event were scored separately so points wise they were equivalent to 3 events giving competitors who were trailing after day 1 (like me) an opportunity to rocket up the leaderboard with a strong day 2 performance (gracias!).  Athletes unable to complete the designated reps within the time cap received a score of time cap+reps remaining.

Vancouver Personal Training

It was a very full weekend taking up all of Saturday and Sunday but the energy was great, the Richmond Oval and surrounding area was fantastic and the events were fun (except for those lunges).  Thanks to all the volunteers like Timberwolf who worked hard to help athletes through two days of mayhem.

Vancouver Personal Training

Thanks to OG who came out all day Saturday to coordinate our Empower competitors and keep us on track.  Thanks to everyone who came out to cheer us on: HHH, Smah, Iron Man, Shadow, the Dunbars, Lauren, HeeHee, Shades, V, Kimmy and the kids.  Thanks to the coaches who covered classes and personal training for us at the gym while we were away playing (Big Cat, Shades, OG). And congratulations to all our intrepid Empower competitors who came out and represented us this weekend on the competition floor!

Vancouver Personal Training

When all was said and done, most of our Empower athletes found themselves on the podium drawing comment from the announcer about Empower’s dominance.

First Place:

Second Place:

Third Place:
The Touch

Vancouver Personal Training

Most importantly, we had a blast.  We didn’t want to promote this event until we had experienced it for ourselves and determined it was a good one for our Empower athletes and we are thrilled to report that the Throwdown organizers did a great job and are good folks who share our vision.  They say they are all about the teens and 70 year olds and their competition reflects that.  There are scaled and Rx’d divisions in all age brackets from teens through masters plus scaled and Rx’d team trios.

Vancouver Personal Training

There is no qualifier which means that everyone who wants to play may come out to do so.  Next year we plan on bringing a whole Empower team so that in 2025 we can podium in every division.  We’re going to try to convince Motor to accept the all-important mantle of competition coordinator and get our team ready to have an amazing time when the throwdown next comes to town.  Time to get on your training plan:)

Vancouver Personal Training

2 Rounds:
1 min each:
Shoulder Pass Throughs
Hanging Knee Raises
Power Snatches

15 min E3MOM
Minute 1: 20 sec DU
Minute 2: 3 T2B
Minute 3: 1 Snatch

In 15 minutes:
For time:
*Complete 3 snatches after each round

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