Empower Blog

Good luck to our athletes!

Fraser Valley Throwdown: Go Team Empower

September 27, 20243 min read

This long weekend 8 Empower athletes and Waterboy will be competing in the 2024 Fraser Valley Throwdown at the Richmond Oval.  This includes a gruelling 4 events Saturday plus a 3-part finale Sunday.

Vancouver Personal Training

Representing our masters athletes are Motor, Hardrock, WOD Father, The Touch with the Fury, Piper, Marcus and F-Bomb representing the Empower youth athletes.

Vancouver Personal Training

If you would like to come cheer them on, the event schedule (subject to change) is as follows (courtesy of unofficial Empower competition coordinator, Motor):

Saturday, September 28, 2024 Fraser Valley Throwdown Schedule

Event 1 Pitch Perfect: Outdoor Turf (7:30 AM – 10:55AM)
Heat Time
7:30 Piper

8:27 Hardrock
8:46 Motor
10:02 WOD Father
10:21 The Touch

10:21 Fury
10:21 F-Bomb
10:21 Marcus
10:40 Waterboy

Event 3 Show Off: Rig (9:15 AM – 12:55 PM)
Heat Time
10:19 Hardrock

11:23 Motor
11:55 WOD Father
11:55 Piper
12:27 The Touch
12:27 Waterboy

12:43 Fury
12:43 F-Bomb
12:43 Marcus

Event 4 Snatchtastic: Platform Floor (1:30 PM – 3:51 PM)

Heat Time
1:54 WOD Father
2:10 The Touch
2:10 Waterboy

2:42 Fury
2:42 F-Bomb
2:50 Marcus
2:58 Piper
3:22 Hardrock
3:30 Motor

Event 2 Let’s Skip the Thrusters and Hang Out: Rig (3:00 PM – 5:16 PM)
Heat Time 
3:20 WOD Father
3:30 The Touch
3:40 Waterboy

4:10 Fury
4:10 F-Bomb
4:10 Marcus
4:20 Piper
4:50 Hardrock
4:50 Motor

Sunday, September 29, 2024 Fraser Valley Throwdown Schedule
Event 5 Row’d Rage: Rig (10:30 AM – 4:26 PM)
Heat Time
11:16 WOD Father
11:39 The Touch
12:02 Waterboy

1:11 Fury
1:11 F-Bomb
1:11 Marcus
1:34 Piper
2:43 Hardrock
2:43 Motor

Vancouver Personal Training

Speaking of competition, last weekend The Touch fought a challenge match at the BMO Theatre.  As entertaining as the fight is, his pre-fight antics and post-fight work on the mic are just as fun to watch.  If you forward to about the 3 hour, 28 minute mark of the event you will find it.  Be warned, the announcers experience some audio difficulties and the scorekeeper misallocates points before realizing the error.

1) Empower Reset #39
Head Nods/Rotations

2 Rounds (1 min each):
Crosstouch Deadbugs
Shoulder Bridges
Windshield Wipers
Crosstouch Bird Dogs
Sit Throughs
Full Body Rocks

2 Rounds (1 min each):

Standing to hands & knees
Standing to hands & knees one hand only
Standing to hands & knees one leg only
Standing to hands & knees one hand, one leg only

2 Rounds (1 min Each):
Tree Pose right
Tree Pose left

Get Up Off floor challenge:
Start in a cross-legged seated position, stand up with as few points of contact as possible

In 4 minutes, complete:
3 devils presses
12/15 Echo-bike calories
3 devils presses

In remaining time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
3 ring muscle-ups
5 push-ups
7 air squats

Rest 1 minute between each cycle. Complete a total of 5 cycles. Pick up where you left off each round so the score is the total rounds and reps for all 5 cycles.

3) 50 DU

40 Wall Balls @14/20#
30 Box Jump Overs @20/24"
20 G2OH @95/135#
10 Burpee Pull Ups
20 G2OH @95/135#
30 Box Jump Overs @20/24"
40 Wall Balls @14/20#
50 DU

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