Empower Blog

So many bests this week

Giving Thanks for Amazing Bests

October 13, 20243 min read

It was an incredible week for personal bests.  Here are a few of the bests that I witnessed or heard about that stuck out.

McBeal mastered the tripod position on Friday.

D-Belle recorded a new deadlift personal best.

New Girl got her first T2B, strict, no kipping, then performed multiples in a row!

Topspin unravelled the mystery of the double under stringing 10 DU in a row for the first time.

Supergirl took her consecutive DU’s up to 30 in a row.

5am last Friday Road Warrior hit 3 consecutive kipping pull ups only to have Sable come in and match him at 6am.  This Friday he returned to get 4 in a row forcing Sable to bow out due to ripped palms.  Road Warrior for the win!

HHH & Smash Rx’d HeroWOD Tommy V on Saturday completing all the thrusters and rope climbs as Rx’d!

Vancouver Personal Training

Last weekend MK and Timberwolf attended the CrossFit Level 1 trainer’s certification and both passed the exam making them our two most recent Empower members to earn their Level 1 coaches’ certification.  Congratulations to you both!

Vancouver Personal Training

Unstoppable 20 in 2024
We are in the 10th month of the year and our Unstoppable team has continued to maintain 20+ training sessions per month. KMT, The Assassin, HHH and Smash are on track to prove once again that they are unstoppable!

Vancouver Personal Training

Unstoppable Empower
Speaking of unstoppable, at Empower we have not closed our doors a single day since the weekend of August 2015.  Apart from that one weekend, we have been open for members 365 days a year since March 2013.  During the pandemic we hosted outdoor classes then zoom classes.  We didn’t even close on the day we relocated the gym from Dunbar to Alma Street moving all the equipment December 31st 2017 so that we could open our doors in the new location on the morning of January 1st 2028.  Thanks to all the members who came out to help make it happen!

We have been open every Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and yes, even Thanksgiving.  Why?  Because we are committed to being here to help you achieve your fitness goals. 

But this is only possible because of our amazing and dedicated coaching team. Thank you to our coaches who take time away from their families each holiday to be here for our Empower members.  We are very grateful for your commitment to the Empower membership.  In 2024 our team has found itself quite stretched to cover classes but time and again we have rallied for one another where needed so that our members never miss a day of training.  Thank you to our Empower coaching team!

Vancouver Personal Training

Arrive early and get yourself warmed up, this workout is long.  Bring a rucksack if you have one.  There will be no class cap for this one but there will be a time cap.  The coach will get the WOD started as soon as everyone is through the warm up so the earlier you arrive, the sooner you get started.       

Warm Up
Empower Champion’s Warm Up

40-30-20-10 Ruck G2OH
1 Mile Ruck Carry

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