Sharing is Caring:
In today's workout, we will share the barbell with someone who will lift similar loads and you will determine who will go first. The other partner will count the number of reps in each set and vice versa. This is a touch and go barbell cycling workout. There is no re-gripping from the floor. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Most athletes should perform this benchmark workout as written. All athletes should focus on maintaining mechanics and consistency while increasing the loading. Warm up by adding weight slowly, ensuring you can maintain great technique prior to adding additional load. For the set of 15 reps, find a weight you feel confident performing for 10 reps. In the set of 15, reps 1-7 should be no problem, reps 8-12 will take some focus and challenge your barbell stamina, and reps 13-15 should challenge your mental fortitude and barbell technique as you get tired.
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain the safety and integrity of the movement.
Warm-up | 5:00
2 sets:
50' bear crawl
50' duck walk
10 good mornings
10 shoulder passthroughs
5/5 around the world
Tech | 2:00
Demo: clean and jerk
Workout Tip:
Power Clean | 3:00
5 clean DL
5 clean pulls
5 muscle cleans
5 power cleans
Push Jerk | 3:00
5 jump, punch, and land with hands in front rack position
5 push jerks with EB
Clean and Jerk Skill Work | 10:00
On a 10:00 clock:
Build to a 10-rep unbroken set of clean and jerks
Break | 2:00
WOD | 15:00 - 20:00 | H:30
15-12-9 reps for load of:
Clean and jerk
Beginner option:
12-9-6 reps for load of:
Clean and jerk
Cooldown | 4:00
:30 Cobra pose
:30 Scorpion
:30 floor angels
:30 forearm stretch