Empower Blog

Snatches and burpees

Heavy Squat Snatches, Fast Burpees

September 14, 20241 min read

This Saturday, you'll take on a couplet of squat snatches and bar-facing burpees. The workout follows an E3MOM format for 7 sets, with each set consisting of 5 heavy squat snatches followed by 15 bar-facing burpees. The snatches are meant to be heavy, so choose a weight that pushes you while maintaining good form. This is intended to be a sprint-style workout, so I encourage you to push the pace on the burpees.

Make sure to scale the barbell load and burpee count so that you can complete each round with at least a minute of rest. Keep track of your split times for each round.

Due to space limitations, we'll keep all barbells on the platform, and you'll perform regular burpees on the floor off the platform. For busier classes, you may need to share bars with a partner. In that case, one partner will start with the snatches while the other begins with the burpees, and then you'll switch.

See you all in group classes, on the zoom, or in the open gym.

Big Cat



Warm up

2 rounds, 1 minute each:

- PVC Shoulder pass throughs
- Hip swings/calf raises
- PVC overhead squats
- Get-ups


Snatch warm-up (PVC pipe/colour cap bar/15-lb bar)

2 rounds/5 each

- Tall high pulls
- Tall muscle snatch
- Press behind the neck
- Overhead squats
- Sots presses
- Drop snatches


- Squat snatch
- Burpee


E3MOM for 7 sets:
- 5 squat snatches @125/185#
- 15 bar facing burpees

Cool Down

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