KB Swings and Run
This Saturday, you will take on a couplet of kettlebell swings and running. The workout consists of 50-40-30-20-10 reps of kettlebell swings. After each set of swings, you will complete a 400-meter run.
Both movements will engage your posterior chain, so it's very important to perform each kettlebell swing with perfect form. Choose a kettlebell weight that allows you to finish the 50 reps unbroken, though you might opt to break it down strategically to maintain perfect form. If running is not an option for you today, we can replace it with biking. We will not use the rower today.
See you all in group classes, on the zoom, or in the open gym.
Big Cat
Warm up
1 minute each:
- Russian KB swings
- Hip Swings
- Single-arm Russian KB swings
- Calf raises
- American KB swings
- Full body rocks
Dynamic warm-up
- Hamstring scoops
- Ankle hold and lunges
- High knees
- Butt kicks
- Forward skipping
- Side shuffle
- Karaoke drill
- KB Swings
For time:
- 50-40-30-20-10 KB swings @1/1.5 pood
- 400 m run after each KB swing set
Cool Down