Empower Blog

People rowing in the gym

Max-Cal Row

September 21, 20243 min read
People rowing in the gym

I love sprint workouts, especially when there is enough time to rest, but I don't love this workout primarily because of its movements. It starts with the bench press at moderate to heavy load. I use a lot of leg drive for this volume and weight, so I must brace my core and arch my torso to move the load. Back squats come next, which shouldn't be part of a sprint workout, regardless of load. I now must focus on bracing my core and keeping my chest open to avoid rounding my upper back. Then comes the alternating dumbbell snatches, which, at this weight, I muscle snatch, and at this low rep scheme, it won't affect my lower back. The real sprint now happens with the max calorie row with hinging movements for about a minute.

For this workout, let's focus on good mechanics for all movements, particularly the back squats. Members will be doing dumbbell floor presses and back squats at about 60% of 1RM performed from the rig. Let's avoid doing dumbbell muscle snatches and focus on the leg drive on the row.

Partner Warm-up | 8:00 | H:02 - :10

Snail Race

Members will be grouped into two teams.

Round 1: 10 jumping jacks

Round 2: 10 air squats

Round 3: 10 push ups

Penalty: The team that loses the round will complete 5 burpees.

Tech | 3:00 | H:10 - :12

Dumbbell Bench Press

The Back Squat

The Dumbbell Power Snatch

Rowing Technique Tips

Specific Warm-up | 16:00 | H:12 - :28

Back Squat Loading | 8:00 | H:12 - :20

3-5 back squats using an empty barbell

3-5 back squats at 40% of 1RM

3-5 back squats at 50% of 1RM

3-5 back squats at 60% or workout weight

Floor Press | 4:00 | H:20 - :24

5 DB floor pressed at light weight

5 DB floor presses at moderate weight

5 DB floor presses at workout weight

DB Snatch | 4:00 | H:24 - :28

3/3 Single DB overhead squat at light weight (partial squat only)

3/3 Single DB shrugs starting from the floor

6 alternating DB power snatches

Break | 2:00 | H:28 - :30

WOD | 18:00 | H:30 - :48


In 3 minutes, complete:

12 dumbbell bench presses

9 back squats

6 alternating dumbbell snatches

Max-calorie row in remaining time

Rest 90 seconds between rounds for a total of 4 rounds.

♀ 35-lb dumbbells and 115-lb barbell

♂ 50-lb dumbbells and 165-lb barbell

Post total calories rowed in Zenplanner.

Intermediate option:

In 3 minutes, complete:

12 dumbbell bench presses

9 back squats

6 alternating dumbbell snatches

Max-calorie row in remaining time

Rest 90 seconds between rounds for a total of 4 rounds.

♀ 25-lb dumbbells and 95-lb barbell

♂ 45-lb dumbbells and 135-lb barbell

Beginner option:

In 3 minutes, complete:

12 dumbbell bench presses

9 back squats

6 alternating dumbbell snatches

Max-calorie row in remaining time

Rest 90 seconds between rounds for a total of 4 rounds.

♀ 20-lb dumbbells and 65-lb barbell

♂ 35-lb dumbbells and 95-lb barbell

Cooldown | 5:00

Crocodile breathing

Cobra pose

Wall walk pose

Lat stretch using the rig

Post squat


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