Empower Blog

Returning from vacation

Post Vacation Epidemic

September 08, 20243 min read

You had an amazing summer.  You travelled, you saw incredible sights, sampled remarkable foods, spent time with your favourite people, and now you’re back and ready to recommit to your fitness.

Vancouver Personal Training

But wait, before you throw yourself back into the WOD, please remember Coach Ben Bergeron’s advice after any time away from training whether for illness, injury or holiday season: It should take you about 20 training sessions to get back to your previous level of fitness.  Even if you were hiking, biking or enjoying active water sports, you need to reacclimate your body to the rigours of CrossFit.

Vancouver Personal Training

Every January we see a spike in training injuries as athletes return from a month of revelry expecting to pick up their training exactly where they left off.  This summer, with as much as 40% of our membership away travelling, our coaching team is very concerned that returning athletes will put themselves in harm’s way by failing to ease their way back.

Vancouver Personal Training

If you are returning from more than one week off, please keep the 20 WOD rule in mind.  Slow down, lighten the load, adapt the volume and please, please, please, do not hit the workout with the goal of competing.  Not with your previous scores and certainly not with your classmates, 60% of whom have been training hard and posting personal bests throughout the summer season and are now at a new level of performance.

Vancouver Personal Training

Don’t worry, you will catch up to them again but not if you break yourself in your first week back.  The month of September and the first half of October should be your months of recovery.  It will all come back to you quickly enough but only if you first slow down and give your body a chance to adapt to the stresses of the gym.  Play safe and always remember the Navy SEAL motto: Slow is smooth and smooth is fast!

Vancouver Personal Training

If you do not have a bar muscle up, a burpee chest to bar pull up or burpee pull up will be a great substitute.  If you do not yet have an unassisted pull up, choose a lower pull up bar and do a burpee to jumping pull up.

We will do a staggered start with half the athletes starting with WOD#1 and joining in WOD #2 at the 5 minute mark.  The other half will begin with WOD #2 and finish with WOD #1.

Warm Up
A. 4 mins
10 Lat Pull Ups
10 Table Raises
10 Beat Swing
10 Bear to Crab Rolls

B. Box Shuffle Run 2/2 mins CW/CCW
Forward-Side Shuffle-Backwards-Side Shuffle

WOD #1 Inversion movements
Burpee Bar MU options
Shuttle Run

WOD #1
30 sec Bear Crawl, 30 sec rest
30 sec Handstand Hold, 30 sec rest
30 sec Headstand/Tripod Hold, 30 sec rest
30 sec Hand-to-Hand/Wall Walk, 30 sec rest
30 sec Crow Pose, 30 sec rest

WOD #2
5 min Shuttle run (2x 25ft =1 point)
5 min Burpee Bar MU
5 min Shuttle run

Score = total shuttle run points + total burpee bar mu

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