Empower Blog

Rowing, Rope Climb, and HSPU

Power Pyramid: Rowing, Rope Climb, and HSPU

September 28, 20242 min read

This Sunday, you’ll take on a challenging triplet of rowing, rope climbs, and strict handstand push-ups in a pyramid-style workout. The sequence begins with a 1000-meter row, followed by five rope climbs, and then peaks with 50 strict handstand push-ups at the top of the pyramid. After reaching this point, you'll reverse the structure, moving to five rope climbs before finishing with another 1000-meter row.

As you start, pace yourself on the first row by focusing on driving through your legs to conserve your arms, which will be critical later for the handstand push-ups. When it comes to the rope climbs, try to use your legs as much as possible and minimize arm fatigue, saving strength for the more demanding elements of the workout.

The strict handstand push-ups will likely be the most challenging part. Whichever progression you choose, make sure it pushes you. Maintain a tight core and midline throughout. Avoid pushing to total failure before resting—break the reps into smaller sets and stop just before you reach that point.

By the time you reach the second set of rope climbs, your arms will be fatigued, forcing you to rely on your legs, which should have recovered by then. For the final row, dig deep and give it everything you have left to finish strong.

If rope climbs aren't an option yet, you can substitute each climb with 2-3 foot pinches or one pull-to-stand. The strict handstand push-ups can be modified with kipping handstand push-ups or by adding AbMats. If getting upside-down isn’t possible, seated dumbbell shoulder presses with relatively heavy weights make for a solid alternative.

 See you all in group classes, on the zoom, or in the open gym.

Big Cat


Warm up

2 rounds, 1 minute each:

- Cardio (on a machine or 200 m run)
- Inch worm with pike push-ups
- False grip ring row
- Cross-touch bird dog


- Rope climb


- 1000 m row
- 5 rope climbs @15’
- 50 strict HSPU
- 5 rope climbs @15’
- 1000 m row

Cool Down

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