Ring Muscle-ups and Handstand Walk
Today’s workout is a gymnastics endurance and stamina tester. If you do not have ring muscle-ups, our progression is 1 strict ring dip + 1 strict pull-up for one ring muscle-up. For the handstand walk progression, from a handstand hold, we will perform hand-to-hand movements mimicking walking but using the wall for assistance.
Warm-up | 5:00 | H:00 - :05
1 set:
:30 cat cows
5 x [2 shoulder taps + 1 push-up]
:30 Superman hold
:30 hollow rocks
50-foot bear crawl
TECH | 2:00 | H:05 - :07
Kipping Muscle-up
The Handstand Walk
Low Ring Muscle-up Transition Tips
A New Way to Work Toward Ring Muscle-ups
Handstand Walk Progression With Austin Malleolo
Specific Warm-up | 18:00 | H:07 - :25
Ring Muscle-up | 10:00 | H:07 - H:17
:10 ring support hold
3 ring dips
5 false grip ring rows
5 muscle-up transitions
5 ring swings
Handstand Walk Practice | 8:00 | H:17 - :25
10 alternating pike shoulder taps
10 alternating handstand shoulder taps
10 wall-facing handstand shoulder taps
5:00 handstand walk practice
Note: With a partner, we will practice kicking up to a PVC and learn to walk with assistance
Break | 2:00 | H:25 - :27
WOD | TC: 30:00 | H:27 - :57
For time:
15 ring muscle-ups
50-foot handstand walk
12 ring muscle-ups
100-foot handstand walk
9 ring muscle-ups
150-foot handstand walk
Intermediate option:
For time:
9 ring muscle-ups
60-second handstand walk for distance
6 ring muscle-ups
90-second handstand walk for distance
3 ring muscle-ups
120-second handstand walk for distance
Beginner option:
For time:
9 low-ring muscle-up transitions
50-foot bear crawl
6 low-ring muscle-up transitions
100-foot bear crawl
3 low-ring muscle-up transitions
150-foot bear crawl
Cooldown | 3:00 | H:57 - :60
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm