Empower Blog


Snatch Complex: Build Strength with Perfect Mechanics

February 08, 20251 min read

This Saturday is a heavy day, and you'll be tackling a snatch complex for seven sets. As with all heavy days, the goal is to progressively add weight across the sets and build toward a max effort. However, our top priority remains proper form and mechanics. Only increase the load if your technique is solid.

According to CrossFit Headquarters' programming, regripping is allowed, but no more than 10 seconds should be spent between lifts within each complex.

For the snatch portion, both power and squat snatches are permitted. However, to develop better mechanics for pulling under the bar, our primary focus will be on the squat snatch.

See you all in group classes, on the zoom, or in the open gym.

Big Cat


Warm up

2 rounds, 1 minute each:

- PVC Shoulder pass throughs
- Hip swings/calf raises
- PVC OHS (overhead squats)


Snatch warm-up (PVC pipe/colour cap bar/15-lb bar)
2 rounds/5 each

- Tall high pulls
- Tall muscle snatch
- Press behind the neck
- Sotts presses
- Drop snatches


- Snatch Complex


7 sets:

-1 snatch-grip deadlift
-1 snatch pull
-1 snatch
-1 overhead squat

Cool Down

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