Empower Blog

Progress over perfection

Stop Forcing, Start Thriving: Embrace the Process and Trust the Timing

January 21, 20252 min read

“Trying to force things only disturbs your goals. Forcing will not help. Everything happens in its right time.” – Judith Orloff

Thought of the Day

Progress over perfection

We have all experienced the frustration of wanting something so badly that we push too hard and get in our own way. Instead of staying relaxed and in flow, we become tense and reactive. For me, this showed up in learning the double under and transitioning to a full-time coaching role. Neither happened when I forced them they materialized when I embraced the process and learned from the journey.

Where in your life are you trying to force things? Is it in fitness, family, finances, or creating freedom?

One of my personal goals is to earn double black belts in judo and Jiu Jitsu. To test for my Judo black belt, I must compete to earn points. Returning to training, I’ve noticed the difference between when I am forcing progress and throws. This creates tension and causes me to get in my own way. When I am being relaxed, and having fun it allows throws to come more naturally forcing, on the other hand, only hinders effortless power.

Where in your life do you need to take a step back? Instead of forcing outcomes, try to relax, reduce pressure, and enjoy the process.

Whether your goal is landing your first double under or making big life changes, forcing isn’t the key to success. Take a few minutes to write down your goals and identify steps to take in the next year to move closer to them. If it’s a fitness goal, work with your Empower coach for guidance. If it’s a personal goal, recruit your coach as your supporter, we are here to cheer you on in and outside the gym as well.

Stop forcing, start thriving, and enjoy the journey. You’ve got this!



1.       1600m run

3 min rest

800m run

2 min rest

400m run

1 min rest

200m run


2.       Gwen


Unbroken clean and jerk

Rest as needed between sets


3.       3rnds

30 DB push ups

30 Weighted step ups 20/24” 20/35#


4.       OHS



5.       20 min Amrap

1 min Low plank

15 plate squats

1 min High plank

15 plate squats

200m plate carry





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