Empower Blog

High standards of conduct are essential to preserving a great community.  I believe that they can be maintained while still having fun

The Four Way Test

December 22, 20242 min read

We could all be a little more careful in what we say.  The Empower community is close and many of us have trained together for more than a decade (some of us much longer).  Friendships have grown and deepened over the years and in the manner of close friends we often enjoy exchanging banter.  Sometimes, inadvertently, we cross the line.  Not with ill intentions mind you, just out of carelessness or habit.

Newer members who do not yet know the deep connections we have with one another may sometimes misread what is intended as friendly joshing as cruel slander or gossip.  Especially if we’re speaking about a member who is not currently present. 

Personally, I find it more advisable (and more rewarding) to trash talk my friends to their face.  Sometimes it is also important to add that you are just kidding.  And of course, you need to read the room.  To my surprise, I discovered the hard way that not everyone enjoys a good ribbing as much as I do.

There is no need to stop having fun (at each other’s expense) as long as it is just in fun and everyone recognizes it as such.  Banter aside, I keep a copy of the Rotary Club 4-Way Test in my wallet as I think it offers great guidance on how you should conduct yourself:

The Four Way Test
Of the things we think, say or do:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build good will and better friendship?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

I’m as human as the next person and there are times I’ve been taken to task when something I think, say or do fails to meet the above standards.  When that happens, I promptly apologize, acknowledge the hurt my words or actions may have caused and promise to endeavour to be better in the future.

High standards of conduct are essential to preserving a great community.  I believe that they can be maintained while still having fun, it just requires us to tread a little more carefully.  In love and friendship.

Vancouver Personal Training

Don’t have double unders?  No problem.  Today we will give you 1 minute to get as many as possible (up to 30).  Whatever number you hit will be your target each round.

Burpees to a target.  There are only 10.  Do them athletically.  Space permitting, try to find a target approx 6” above your reach.

No muscle up?  No problem.  5 Pull ups or ring rows plus 5 ring dips or push ups will suffice.  Or if you are working on the transition, sit in some bands and practice 5 reps of that each round.

Warm Up
A. Ring Row
B. Single Unders
A. Ring Dip
B. Backward Singles
A. Beat Swing on Rings/Ice Cream Makers
B. Crossovers

Muscle Up Progressions
Double Unders

12 min AMRAP
30 DU
10 Burpees to 6” target
5 MU

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