Empower Blog

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Trying new things and keep showing up

September 24, 20243 min read

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old Dimensions.” –Oliver Wendell Holmes JR

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Thought of the day

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This weekend Lotus put on a great workshop for a few of our empower couples. She was teaching us massage techniques from her massive experience as a RMT, Thai massage specialist, and as a long time yoga instructor.  It was a really great experience and many of the couples are buzzing from what a great time and date night it made for. My favorite take away, beyond the technique was being able to be present with your partner and being aware of their breath as you massage them. Many times in these times when connection can happen we get distracted or focus on the wrong thing. Another piece that was great was communicating with your partner. Was it too hard or too soft and other questions like that. Thank you again Lotus for sharing with us and we are looking forward to the next one.


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This clinic got me thinking about how important it is to show up, especially when it is something outside of your comfort zone. We can make all the excuses in the world to keep ourselves comfortable. But if you are really committed to growth there is an element of putting yourself out there. This can be by trying something new or really committing to a process and continuing to grow from that commitment. Another opportunity this weekend for growth was the challenge night at the BMO Theatre. It was a very intimate venue with all eyes on you along with people at home watching by the live stream throughout your match.   In the back room after a hard fought loss a blue belt was upset. I was there as the black belts talk to him about how many people would not show up to have the opportunity to lose. By showing up he outperformed all those people unwilling to answer the call and will be better because of it.


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Being the supportive presence I am, I told him the only thing to do after a loss is to quit, because nobody likes a loser. After he cracked a smile from my Joke I gave him the real advice. We all have losses. As long as we pick ourselves up, learn, and get back out there we have the potential for continued improvement. To me the journey is not about being a great colored belt it’s about becoming a great black belt and beyond. This only happens by being committed and keep showing up. Whether it is with a new experience, like Lotus’s clinic, or getting out on the mats to fight another person keep showing up for your growth. You will never be disappointed with a lesson well learned.




1.       16 minute AMRAP

400m run

6 Burpees


10 DB walking lunges 35/50#


2.       4x3min rnds

12 DB Floor Press 35/50#

9 Back squats  115/165#

6 Alt DB Snatches 35/50#

Max cal row


3.       20 rnds

2 power cleans 125/185#

3 Box jumps 20/24”

4 C2B


4.       40-30-20-10

KBS 1/1.5pood

V Ups

200m Suitcase carry

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