Empower Blog

Man jumping on a plyobox

Bar Muscle Ups and Box Jump Overs

December 07, 20242 min read
woman jumping to a box

Today’s workout is a gymnastics couplet—simple yet effective. Because the duration is relatively short, this is not a good workout to “try something new.” If you have bar muscle-ups and 3 reps per round is too many, scale to 1 or 2 reps per round. In this effort, you should choose movements that allow you to complete a round at least every minute. Push the pace from the start, and don’t try to “game” this one.

Warm-up | 7:30

3 rounds:

10 jumping jacks

5/5 hip flexor mobility stretch

10 90/90 hip switches

10 Downward dog with crossbody reach

5/5 KB windmill

10 Goblet squat with KB press out

5 jumping squats

Tech | 3:00

The Kipping Bar Muscle Up

The Kipping Chest-to-bar Pull-up

The Strict Pull-up

The Kipping Pull-up

Box Jump Overs Variations

The Box Step-Over

Specific Warm-up | 12:00

Bar Muscle Up Progression using Bands | 7:00

5 Scap pull-ups, rest 15-20 seconds

5 Beat swings, rest 15-20 seconds

3 Kipping pull-ups

3 Kipping chest-to-bars

3 Bar muscle ups or 3 Bar muscle ups with bands

Box Jump Overs | 5:00

5 box step overs

5 box jumps

5 box jump overs

3 box jump overs using workout height

Break | 2:00

WOD | 9:00 | H:30


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of: 3 bar muscle-ups

6 box jump-overs

♀ 24-inch box

♂ 30-inch box

Intermediate option:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:

3 chest-to-bar pull-ups

6 box jump-overs

♀ 24-inch box

♂ 30-inch box

Beginner option:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:

3 ring rows

3 foot-assisted ring dips

6 box step-overs

♀ 12-inch box

♂ 20-inch box

Core Finisher | 10:00

3 sets | 10 reps | :30 Rest

A1. Kettlebell Deadbug

A2. Russian twist with KB

A3. KB reverse crunch

Cooldown | 5:00

1:00 Wall angels

:30 Cat cow

:30 Standing pike stretch

:30 Lat stretch using rig


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