Empower Blog

Turning Setbacks into Success

Diary of a Streaker: Entry 2

July 03, 20243 min read

Finding Success in Setbacks

I am a streaker. Setting mini goals, or "streaks," is a tactic I use to support my health and fitness objectives. Want to run more? Challenge yourself to run for 30 minutes twice a week for a month and keep the streak. Wish to make a nutrition change? Removing or adding a food group for 42 days to see how you feel with or without it is a streak that provides lots of helpful data. For example, our Protein-Powered Summer Fitness Challengers report feeling more energized and are experiencing fewer cravings with their increased protein consumption over the last five weeks. Challengers have noted that adding 7000 steps or more a daily has increased their energy and left them feeling lighter on their feet.

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I promised Gift I would report on my InBody streak this week. To recap, on January 1, 2024 I committed to doing an InBody scan on the first of each month this year to track my progress. Canada Day morning was my 7th scan. My scan showed my weight stayed the same, but my body fat percentage and muscle mass decreased. Let's get real. I sought a different trend. "Not what I was hoping for!" I called out as I plucked the result sheet from the printer. Corey was in the gym writing the day's WOD on the board, and asked, "What have you done differently this month?" Sage question.

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I reflected. This past June, I embarked on several streaks. One was to complete every programmed CrossFit.com workout at the gym. I wanted to see how I'd feel at the end, and subconsciously, it also had something to do with a surgeon's appointment on June 3. Perhaps I anticipated not hearing great news and wanted a streak to fall back on, no matter what. I also prioritized walking and rucking for the Summer Challenge. I had also let go of my weekly focused lifting sessions due to work commitments. I also know I choose weights that were lighter than they needed to be for a number of workouts. A hodgepodge.

But the truth is there are many markers of progress, and InBody Scan results provide just one piece of your puzzle. There were lots of positives this month. I became reenergized to do gym workouts. I loved rucking and walking more. I was reminded that walking is an essential part of my lifestyle, and I will not live in a way that doesn't allow time for it. The weekly Summer Fitness Challenge AB workouts were good for me; I needed to do more planks, especially side planks. In all the month was a refreshing change of pace and a fun twist to my routine.

Furthermore, these results should be familiar. I am the queen of slow progress. It took over three years to accomplish a pull-up and four years to complete Murph. Many different approaches were required to reach those goals. Nothing comes fast and easy, and body recomposition, especially at age 54, is no different. All said, I wish to stem this tide. I'm altering the streak and will retest every two weeks for July and August to more closely monitor matters while making other training and nutrition changes

Streaks can be an excellent strategy for setting goals and staying motivated, but it's important to remain flexible and reflective. Not every streak will lead to the desired outcome, but each provides valuable lessons. If you're not getting the desired results, take a step back, assess your approach, and be willing to make necessary adjustments. Progress isn't always linear, but with a mindset of determination and a willingness to keep trying, you will continue to move forward.

Remember, it's about finding what works best for you, and that can take trial and error. Keep pushing, keep reflecting, and you will keep growing, friends!

Wednesday WOD💪

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Warm up
Bar hang
Dynamic warm up

Burpees box jump
Goblet squat

Operation Red Wing ( pairs)

1200m run
16 rnds
8 T2B
8 burpee box jump overs
47 goblet squats 1.5/2 pood

Cool down

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