Brought to you by trial and error, a poem on leading a fit life.
If you have been doing CrossFit for 10+ years you may fall into the trap of thinking that you already know all there is to know. You don’t. Or maybe you believe you know everything your coaches know.
Because, let’s face it, the hardest part of any workout, for all of us, coaches included, is dragging your ass to the gym. You’d think after 11 years without a missed workout that it would get easier, but it doesn’t. People assume that because I own a gym I must just love working out but truth is, I struggle with the same lethargy and laziness that most people do.
As legitimate as your excuses sound to your ears, you need only glance around our gym to see someone busier than you showing up to get the workout done or someone managing to keep their training consistent despite an injury or other physical limitation.
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