Empower Blog

Hard easy

Hard easy

October 22, 20243 min read

“Do what is easy and your life will be hard. Do what is hard and your life will become easy.”- Les Brown


Training for mental toughness

Thought of the day

Mindset for physical resilience

While at our conference last week we had some amazing presenters. One of my favorite presenters brought up a great concept of easy hard vs hard easy. Easy hard is looking for the short cut or taking the easy way out which usually leads to things becoming more difficult in the long run (sometimes not so long run). Hard easy on the other hand is doing the hard thing now so things can be easy in the long or not so long run.  It is hard to be disciplined in your training, sleeping, and diet. But we know having these aligned will yield great results. Staying on track as life throws little obstacles and big obstacles in your path takes a higher level of commitment. When I tore my hamstring in my first ever jiu jitsu tournament it would have been easy to quit. Instead I used my training at Empower to rehab myself and get back on the mats. And was a global champ in 2023 at the purple belt level.


Vancouver Personal Training

In the paragraph and in hindsight the road seems easy. But there was a great deal of challenge, tweaks and setbacks along the path from torn hamstring and Knee injuries to seasoned competitor. Some days were really hard but training through my setbacks, have made other things in life seem easier and more do able.  It is not easy but the growth will help those seemingly hard pieces seem not so bad in the long run. If you are having a struggle right now take a breath. What are you really committed to? Is it okay to be a little challenged now for you to reach your goals later? Or is the commitment level a little lower and the easy path calling?     


Empower fitness journey


It is definitely easy to skip training, have undisciplined eating habits, and be undisciplined with sleep habits. But we know how this story ends. Being on medication, constantly getting injured as you are living your life, or not being able to do the things you like is much harder and a worst outcome in my eyes to dealing with the hardness of routine and consistency now.  Back in 2022 I signed up for a twelve hour seal fit event. It was rainy and cold and during the lunch break many of us were shivering. Of the thirty or so people who were supposed to stay after lunch we cut the numbers down to twelve. It was hard to stay but staying made a positive impact to where I was at the time and made me have the mental resilience to take on the life challenges that lay ahead. If I would have quit and left at six hours I would have started to know myself as a quitter and the challenges that came between 2022 to now may have been too hard to bear.


Point Grey Fitness

Would you much rather take the easy way now and regretting it later or would you do the hard thing and make yourself more resilient for later? Are you truly committed to easy hard or hard easy? It is not about what is right or what is wrong but is about what are you committed to. We are here to support you on your fitness journey. This week have a look at your life and see where else applying discipline now will pay off in the long term. Do the hard things now so you are able to do the easy things later with more freedom.     





1.       Task priority Nate

2 MU


8 KBS 1.5/2pood


2.       1000m row

800m run

500 m row

400m run

250m row

200m run


3.       Pit stop

21 Deadlifts 225/315#

15 Hang power cleans 155/225#

9 Front squats 95/135#


4.       Weighted Dips


Weighted pull ups



5.       Annie



Sit ups

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