Empower Blog

Row and plank

Rowing and Plank Ladder

September 07, 20241 min read

This Saturday, you'll tackle a couplet of rowing and plank holds. The workout follows a ladder format for both rowing distance and plank hold time. Expect the plank holds to become more challenging after rowing. Try to complete the longer plank holds in as few sets as possible, ideally unbroken.

In busier classes, you may need to share a rower with a partner. If that's the case, Partner 2 will have a staggered start by a minute, and partners might need to rest a bit before getting back on the rower after their plank holds. You can choose between high or low plank holds.

To maximize your performance on the rower, I highly recommend taking a moment to review this helpful post by WOD Father.

See you all in group classes, on the zoom, or in the open gym.

Big Cat


Warm up

1 minute each/with a partner:

- Row
- Plank hold
- Row
- High plank to low plank
- Row
- Shoulder tap + shoulder tap
- Row
- Plank bird dog


- Plank hold
- Row


For time:
- 200-m row
- 30-sec plank hold
- 400-m row
- 1-min plank hold
- 600-m row
- 1.5-min plank hold
- 800-m row
- 2-min plank hold
- 1000-m row
- 2.5-min plank hold

Cool Down

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