Weather Permitting Running Intervals
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is running intervals. If you have performed this workout in the past, look back at your scores and use them to help you today. Each interval should be treated as a near-maximal effort and should take no more than 2 minutes to complete.
Scaling or Weather Issue:
Reduce the distance to achieve the intended time domain.
To reduce the complexity or in the case of a limitation, consider substituting with any machine available. Perform 900/1,250 meters on an Echo bike or 400/500 meters on a rower or ski erg.
Warm-up | 5:00 - 7:00
2 sets:
20 jumping jacks
10 mountain climbers
10/10 leg swings, forward and back
10/10 leg swings, side to side
20 hamstring scoops
20 calf raises
100-m jog
TECH | 1:00
Safety talk
Specific Warm-up | 5:00
3 sets:
200-m (easy pace) - run or cardio-machine
200-m (moderate pace) - run or cardio-machine
200-m (workout pace) - run or cardio-machine
Break | 2:00
WOD | 20:00
5 rounds, each for time, of:
400-meter run
Rest 2 minutes
Post your fastest and slowest times to comments in ZenPlanner.
Beginner option:
5 rounds, each for time, of:
200-meter run
Rest 2 minutes
Post your fastest and slowest times to comments in ZenPlanner.
Cooldown | 5:00
Couch stretch
Figure 4 stretch + hip crossover
Downward dog
Child's pose