Empower Blog


Upper-Body Showdown: Pull-Ups & STOH Edition

February 22, 20251 min read

This Saturday, you'll take on a classic push/pull gymnastic couplet: two rounds of 35 pull-ups followed by 35 shoulder-to-overheads (STOH). This workout is designed to test your stamina and will leave you with a serious upper-body pump. The goal is to move through large sets of both movements while keeping rest and transition times to a minimum.

For the STOH, you can choose between a push press or a push jerk, as the strict shoulder press isn’t a practical option due to upper-body fatigue. Select a weight that allows you to complete at least 10 unbroken reps when fresh.

If strict or kipping pull-ups aren’t an option, you can modify with jumping pull-ups, banded pull-ups, or ring rows. For those new to pull-ups, alternating between pull-ups and ring rows is a great way to build strength. Scaling the number of pull-ups is also an option to keep the intensity high and maintain the intended stimulus.

See you all in group class or open gym!

Big Cat


2 rounds, 1 min each:

- PVC shoulder pass throughs
- PVC shoulder press/push press
- Bar hang/lat pull-ups
- Ring rows


-Pull-up and progressions
-Push press
-Push jerk


2 rounds,

- 35 pull-ups
- 35 STOH @75/115 lb

Cool down

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