Empower Blog

Junior Varsity Empower Youth CrossFit Kids

What if your child doesn't like to exercise? Have you looked at CrossFit Kids

September 26, 20243 min read

Junior Varsity ring rows progressions for pushups

Lots of kids play sports. There are so many to choose from that run seasonally or year round.  PE is mandatory in our education system and students are required to participate. Elementary schools encourage kids to run around and play at recess and lunchtime. Get the wiggles out so they can focus better in school. We all know exercise is great for brain development and better concentration. 

But what do you do if you have a child that doesn’t like to exercise?If they rather just sit in front of the tv or play video games? How do you get them excited about being active? Most importantly as a parent, we need to be patient. Sometimes we have to think outside the box and find other options that the child might like? More individualized activities such as swimming, martial arts, dancing, gymnastics, rock climbing and CrossFit Kids are all good options. 

Varsity post workout stretch with Coach Daniel

Perhaps your child doesn’t want to try a new activity alone. Bring a friend!  Our Family Fit program allows you to come and work out with your child together. Doing activities together is an excellent way to not only spend time together but you are helping them by leading by example. If you are active, they are more likely to want to be as well. 

Family Fit working out together

One of my kiddos, now an adult, was not a team sport kid. We had to try quite a few activities before he settled on gymnastics and then CrossFit Kids. I told all 3 of my kids that it didn’t matter what form of exercise they did, they needed to find something. Have your child own their fitness goals. Let them choose what they want to do. The only answer that doesn’t work would be “no”.  Help them establish a routine once they have found an activity they like. Teach them how to be committed to their exercise. 

Varsity box jumps

How can Empower Youth help you? Our CrossFit Kids program runs year round to help your kids create a routine. Our Varsity and Junior Varsity programs both have classes twice a week. If you have a child who wants more, we have Elev8, which runs three times a week. 

Our program provides a well balanced strength and conditioning curriculum. At Empower Youth we design our programs to meet the needs of the group we are coaching. Even in a group setting, we customize each child’s needs and ensure they are moving with good mechanics, are safe and having fun! 

We welcome kids that have no or little fitness experience. Our coaching staff is there to guide your child through the bumps of building a fitness routine and hopefully help them to grow to love it. Check out our website for all the options: Empower Youth Programs.

Varsity brother sister situp variations

If you are just getting started and are unsure on what program would be a good fit for your child you can contact Coach Barb for more information. [email protected].

See you at the gym!


Thursday’s Workout

In 4 minutes, complete:
3 devils presses
12/15 Echo-bike calories
3 devils presses

In remaining time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
3 ring muscle-ups
5 push-ups
7 air squats

Rest 1 minute between each cycle. Complete a total of 5 cycles. Pick up where you left off each round so the score is the total rounds and reps for all 5 cycles.

♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells

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