
Woman stretching

Friday Make-up Day

July 26, 20241 min read
Gym members working out

Today, you have an opportunity to do a workout you missed in the last 3 or 4 days. Of course, you can do you own thing such as active recovery, reset, or skill work.

Thursday's WOD

3 rounds for time of:

50 alternating single-leg squats

3 rope climbs to 15 feet

800-meter run

TC: 30:00

Warm-up | 5:00

10/10 leg swings (forward/back)

10/10 lateral leg swings

10 alternating reverse lunges

10 toe touch to deep squat

10 hook behind heel squats

5 scap pull-ups

Wednesday's WOD

10x 100m Swim

1 minute rest

Swim equivalents

Ski 400-metre

Row 500-metre

Airdyne 1000-metre

Echo/Assault bike 1200-metre

Monday's WOD

100 strict handstand push-ups

Alternative WOD
30 min Push Up EMOM
Score = lowest number of reps performed in any minute 

TC: 30:00

Warm-up | 5:00

1 min Judo Push Up Rocks
1 min
DB Pullovers
30 sec each ½ Kneeling DB Press R/L
20 sec each Plank Rotations (Left/Centre/Side)
Wall Walks

Option 4

Original Strength reset

Option 5

40-minute SLIPS


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