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Rise to the challenge

May 19, 20242 min read

“The strong- minded rise to the challenge of their goals and dreams.  The weak-minded become haters.” –Steve Maraboli

Challenge 1

Thought of the day

Challenge 2

When faced with a challenge it is easy to blame outside factors and things not in your control for why it is not possible.  But with this mindset do you get the opportunity to learn or be better?  Sometimes there are reasons and things outside of us that are holding us back. But does that really matter? Will you step up to the challenge and give it your best? Or will you lie down and make all the outside reasons bigger than you?


Challenge 3

Back when I started coaching I must have really wanted it. I was working three jobs, commuting forty five minutes to an hour multiple times a day and all while taking care of my then 3 year old daughter.  She was kind of like the gym mascot back then.  Anyone of these things could have been the reason for me to throw in the towel and say it was just too hard. But bit by bit with the level of commitment things got better and now I get to enjoy doing what I do and feel like I am making a real difference. From the outside looking in it’s hard to know all the hard works that went into you being where you are. Whether I know your battle or not I am very appreciative of the hard work you put into get to where you are. 


Challenge 5

Next time that you are really challenged by something in the gym, at home, or at work how will you rise to the challenge? It is not likely to be an overnight change but something that will need to take a great deal of commitment. If you really want it, do everything in your power to work towards it. We are here to support you along your journey. Also take some time to appreciate the people in your life that have really worked there butt off to get to the level they are at. It may look easy on the outside but you will never know the battles they fought to achieve their successes.  When faced with a challenge are you committed to rising to it or will you be the person on the sideline hating on those that did?






Warm up

Pull up skill

Medball passes

Shoulder tap game








10 rnds

50 m Swim

150/200m Row or Ski

200m run

300/400m Airdyne

500/600m Echo/ assault bike

1 minute rest between rounds


Cool down

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