Empower Blog

Keep it Simple

Changing Your Eating Habits Without Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

August 14, 20245 min read

Changing your eating habits can feel like climbing a mountain, especially when bombarded with conflicting advice. But guess what? You don't have to overhaul your entire diet overnight. In fact, trying to do too much too soon is a surefire way to end up overwhelmed and right back where you started.

Start with the Right Mindset: The Pain of Staying the Same

Change is challenging, but staying the same can become even more complicated. As my dad used to say, "When the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the discomfort of change, you're ready to move." So, if you wish to change, you're in the right place. The first step is to shift your mindset—focus not on what you "should" do but on what you want to do. The key is to make changes that feel right for you and not feel compelled to follow what others say you "should" be doing. Run your own race!

Practical Tip: Start your day with a high-protein breakfast to set a positive tone for the day. Try something simple like two eggs scrambled with 2 oz of ham and 3 tablespoons of egg whites. Add a side of greens and a small protein shake. Need to avoid eggs or this option feels too complicated for your morning? No problem. Take the time to make a list of breakfasts with at least 30 grams of protein that you like to eat and work for your lifestyle, then hit them on repeat. Nail breakfast. Tackle other meals later. Consistency beats complexity every time.

Grab a pair of blinders.

The sheer amount of nutrition advice out there can leave anyone paralyzed. The truth? You don't need to follow all the advice—just the bits that work for you. The secret is to start with a simple change and build from there. One change, repeated consistently, will snowball into significant progress.

Practical Tip: Focus on straightforward swaps. If you snack on chips, switch to sliced veggies with hummus. Swap a night of wine with sparkling water. What changes can you live with?

farmer's market

Small Wins, Big Gains: Progress Over Perfection

Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. It's easy to get discouraged if you have a day that does not go well or don't see results immediately. Take the long view and look for the good in all places.

Practical Tip: Celebrate your wins, no matter how small. Did you choose fruit over a sugary snack? Awesome. Cook a healthy dinner instead of ordering takeout? That's a victory. Each step forward is a step closer to your goal. Did you make it to the gym when you wanted to hang on the couch? You are a rockstar! Give yourself high fives. When you walk out of the gym, internally, say, "Great job." Escaped the grocery store without buying junk. Amazing! It's the same when you sit down to a healthy meal you made. Take a moment to congratulate yourself for making this plate for yourself. Be your own cheerleader regularly! It is a great practice for your mental health.


Ditch the "Shoulds": Choose What Works for You

We all have enough "shoulds" in our lives, leading to feelings of guilt, which inadvertently can sabotage efforts. Instead, focus on the things that feel right for you to do. What small changes can you make that align with your preferences and lifestyle? Choose the ones that provide positive feedback, and you'll be more likely to stick with them.

Practical Tip: Are you motivated by variety or routine? If you like variety, experiment with different healthy snacks each week. If routine is more your style, find a few meals you love and stick to them. Have trouble getting yourself to work out? Start with what you love to do and do that. Hike, bike, lift, gravitate to your favorites. Move. Don't get stuck in the weeds i.e., needing a perfect training plan to begin. Also, don't go it alone. At Empower we take the guesswork out of it for you. Check out two of our classes below!

Lift Over Forty: Women's Lifting and Nutrition 6 week clinic starts on Sunday September 15.24 11:15am -12:30 pm. 'Space limited! Join us here.

Fit Over Forty. Small group strength and conditioning class tailored to individual fitness levels on Monday and Thursdays nights at 7pm. Start where you are at! This class is designed to keep you fit for life demands. Two spaces available! Details here.

Embrace the Journey: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Changing your eating and fitness habits is a process. Slow and steady wins the race here. The key is to start with a tolerable change, stay consistent, and give yourself grace. Consistent progress, not perfection, is what leads to lasting change.

Practical Tip: Consider booking a nutrition coaching session if you want personalized guidance. Together, we'll build on your strengths, explore new strategies, and create a plan that aligns your diet and workouts to help you achieve the results you desire. We are here to support you in reaching your goals and making your journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible!

Nutrition and Body Composition Programs at Empower



Warm Up

5 minute 

3 inch worm with push up 

50 ft oh plate carry 

10 os push ups 

50 ft Kangaroo hop


Shoulder pass throughs 

Around the world 

Front rack stretch 


Push press 


Push Press 


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