Empower Blog

A Master's Meal

A Master's Meal: Winning at Weight Loss

August 07, 20244 min read

I’m reading an insightful book called Thin for Life by award-winning nutritionist Ann Fletcher. In it, Fletcher explores the strategies of people who have successfully lost 20 or more pounds and kept it off for at least three years. She calls these individuals "Masters," and her mission, when interviewing them for her book, was to uncover common actions behind their long-term success. Masters have won the weight loss game. So, what’s their secret? What can we learn from their experiences? The overarching theme among the Masters is they shifted their focus from dieting to making sustainable lifestyle changes, to which there were many components.

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In today's post, we’ll outline their strategies. Next week, we’ll dive into the more challenging part: implementation. But first, here is a review of the Masters' essentials for success:

  1. Take Control and Believe in Yourself: The Masters took personal responsibility for their weight loss journeys, eliminating excuses like job stress, family responsibilities, or age. They believed in themselves and prioritized their health and well-being once and for all!

  2. Ditch the Diet Mentality: Instead of short-term diets, the Masters developed sustainable eating habits. They learned about portion sizes, lower-fat cooking, and protein consumption. They debunked myths about avoiding carbs and educated themselves on eating balanced plates. They honed the skills of cooking, shopping, and handling social situations.

  3. Set Realistic Goals: The Masters set achievable goals, like going to the gym three times a week, meal prepping on Sundays, or adding two cups of vegetables into meals. They made these habits a permanent part of their lives. They overcame the trap of all-or-nothing thinking and when setbacks occurred, they got back on track as soon as possible.

  4. Monitor Your Progress: Regular monitoring was crucial. The Masters consistently checked their weight or used a piece of clothing to keep themselves accountable. If their pants grew tight, they nipped the weight gain in the bud before it could become a bigger issue.

  5. Focus on Lifestyle, Not the Scale: The Masters looked at the bigger picture, aiming for a longer, healthier life rather than fixating on a specific number on the scale. They wanted to stay strong and independent, understanding that hard work now means less dependence later.

  6. Practice Positive Self-Talk: They learned to speak kindly to themselves, avoiding harsh self-criticism. They understood that perfection is impossible and that lapses don't mean failure. Their positive mindset helped them maintain their progress and mitigate discouragement.

  7. Commit to Exercise: A significant difference between those who maintained their weight loss and those who didn't was a consistent exercise routine, coupled with regular physical activity like walking.

  8. Address Emotional Eating: The Masters recognized and tackled emotional eating. They developed strategies to cope with emotions without turning to food.  It was hard work, but they got to the root causes of their eating patterns.

  9. Embrace a New Identity: The Masters had to let go of old habits and develop a new sense of self that was aligned with their healthier lifestyle.

Reflections: Do you have health and fitness goals that you haven't achieved yet? If so, ask yourself, what are you willing to change to reach those goals? What are you prepared to let go of? What is the first step you will take?

Streakers Report: Month 8
As we enter the eighth month of the year, I am on to my 8th scan, which shows a turnaround from last month, with a slight increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat and weight.  
What did I do differently? I tweaked my training regime and stopped fasting workouts; I now eat a small snack before exercising and a balanced meal 30 minutes after a training session, no longer. This new routine might be the key to lasting change, but only time will tell.

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Next week’s post will discuss practical ways to implement the Masters’ key strategies. Let’s move from knowing to doing!

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Everyone's journey is unique and we can learn from each other's experiences. Do you have a fitness or health story/tip to share? We’d love to hear it. Submit it to: [email protected].

Keep believing in yourself and stay committed, my friends!

Vancouver Personal Training

The Touch on Wednesday

Warm- Up

5 minutes 

10/10 Leg out rock 

10 Squat ring rows 

10 cross touch v ups 


Clean drops + Jerk 


Squat clean 


Leg elevated Ring row 


5 x 2 minute rounds

5 Squat clean & jerk @70% of 1rm 

Max leg elevated ring rows 

1 minute rest between 

Cool down  

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