Empower Blog

Rope for rope climbs

Wall Walks and Rope Climbs

June 15, 20241 min read

“Today's workout is a gymnastics chipper”


Today’s workout is a gymnastics chipper. Move at a sustainable pace. The goal is to manage muscular fatigue and build stamina. Be sure you can perform at least 3 wall walks in a minute before committing to the prescribed version — this means finishing 20 reps in approximately 7 minutes or less. Be sure you can complete at least 1 rope climb per minute. Less experienced athletes should reduce the reps and range of motion for both movements. Push the pace where you can, but be prepared to slow down to avoid failure. Work hard and have fun!

Landmind exercise

Dynamic Warm-up 1 | 5:00

1 set:

10 arm swings across

10 arm swings overhead

10 torso twists/direction

10 arm circles forward

10 arm circles backward

10 unweighted good mornings

10 leg swings/leg

10 lateral leg swings/leg

10 Samson stretch lunges

10 alternating Cossack squats

Dynamic Warm-up 2 | 3:00

Min. 1 | 1:00 plank hold

Min. 2 | 1:00 bottom-of-squat hold

Min. 3 | 1:00 burpees

Tech | 2:00

Wall Walks

Rope Climbs (Wrapping)

Rope Climb (Basket)

Wall Walk Practice | 5:00

10 Plank shoulder taps

3 Partial wall walks

:30 Handstand hold

10 Plank shoulder taps

3 Wall walks

Rope Climb Practice | 5:00

3 pull to stand on rope

1-3 rope climb

1-3 rope climb from seated

WOD | TC: 20:00

For time:

20 wall walks

10 rope climbs to 15 feet, starting from a seated position on the floor

Cooldown | 5:00

1:00 Cobra stretch

1:00 quad stretch

1:00 pigeon pose

1:00 shoulder pull overs

1:00 downdog



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