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Kelly Brown

June 15, 20241 min read

This Saturday, you will take on the Tribute WOD "Kelly Brown," honoring CrossFit Kids Seminar Staff Flowmaster Kelly Brown, who passed away on September 15, 2020, after a courageous five-year battle with ovarian cancer. This workout was recently featured as the final event of the 2024 Service Cup.

The workout consists of 5 rounds of 440-meter row, 10 box jumps, 10 deadlifts, and 10 wall ball shots. Note that the height of the box is higher than usual for both women and men.

The goal of this workout is to maintain a consistent and steady pace throughout the rounds. Choose a deadlift weight that allows you to complete each round in three sets or fewer, while still being challenging. There will be a 25-minute time cap for this workout.

Let’s honor Kelly’s legacy with determination and strength!

See you all in group classes, on the zoom, or in the open gym.

Big Cat


Warm up

2 rounds, 1 minute each:

- Box step-ups
- Banded RDL’s
- Air squats

- Med-ball passes


- Box jumps
- Deadlift
- Wall ball shots


5 rounds:
- 440 m row
- 10 Box jumps @24/30 “
- 10 deadlifts @185/275 #
- 10 WB @14/20 #

Cool Down

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