Empower Blog

Woman doing push jerk

Push Jerks, Ring Dips, and Rope Climbs

September 14, 20242 min read
Woman climbing a rope in the gym

In today’s workout, the rounds are increasing and reps are decreasing throughout each section. The loading of the barbell is relatively light and should allow you to do 10 reps unbroken every time you pick it up. For the ring dips and rope climbs, manage your reps, and don’t push to failure. Consider breaking the ring dips into sets of 5 to minimize fatigue and keep pushing forward through the workout.

Warm-up | 7:00

1 set:

2:00 bike, row, ski, or jog

1 set:

:30 band pull-aparts (chest height, overhead)

10 inch worm + push-up

10 ring rows

10 scap pull ups

10 shoulder presses

10 push presses

Tech | 2:00

The Push Jerk

The Ring Dip

Ring Dip Scaling

The Rope Climb (Wrapping)

The Rope Climb (Basket)

The Grip-Saving Way to Rope Climb

Specific Warm-up

Push Jerk Progression and Building | 8:00

5 jump and land in a partial squat, then stand (coloured cap bar)

5 jump, punch, and land in a partial squat (coloured cap bar)

5 push jerks (coloured cap bar)

  • Building to workout weight or weights suggested below

Ring Dip Progression and Practice | 4:00

:30 Ring support hold (straight arms), rest :30

:30 Ring support hold (shoulders to rings), rest :30

3-5 Ring dips without a band (rest :30) OR,

10 Band assisted ring dips

Rope Climb Progression and Practice | 6:00

2 pull-to-stands

3-5 foot pinch practice

3 partial rope climbs

1 rope climb



For time:

1 round of:

30 push jerks

15 ring dips

3 rope climbs to 15 feet

Then, 2 rounds of:

20 push jerks

10 ring dips

2 rope climbs to 15 feet

Then, 3 rounds of:

10 push jerks

5 ring dips

1 rope climb to 15 feet

♀ 75 lb

♂ 115 lb

Intermediate option:

For time:

1 round of:

30 push jerks

5 ring dips

2 rope climbs to 15 feet

Then, 2 rounds of:

20 push jerks

5 ring dips

1 rope climb to 15 feet

Then, 3 rounds of:

10 push jerks

5 ring dips

1 rope climb to 15 feet

♀ 65 lb

♂ 95 lb

Beginner option:

For time:

1 round of:

15 push jerks

5 jumping ring dips

3 pull-to-stands

Then, 2 rounds of:

10 push jerks

5 jumping ring dips

2 pull-to-stands

Then, 3 rounds of:

5 push jerks

5 jumping ring dips

1 pull-to-stand

♀ 35 lb

♂ 45 lb


1 set:

1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm

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