Empower Blog

Jiu Jitsu Con 2024

The Bad and the Good

September 03, 20243 min read

“There is always something coming. Good or bad, it’s going to force you to grow.” –Robert Tew

Good 1

Thought of the day

Good 2

This weekend I got the opportunity to compete in the world masters and participate at jiu jitsu con for the whole three day event. It was a really cool event with over fifty mat areas and multiple competitions happening all in the same venue. There were even free seminars, talks, and many booths with some cool prizes. All and all even though the competition did not pan out the way I planned it was a very cool experience. I even won a free gi. So all and all there was some bad but mostly a lot of good.


Good 3

The Bad

Good 4

I already alluded to the bad part of the weekend in the paragraph above. The plan was to coming in win all my division matches and then win all the matches in the absolute to come back with double gold. Unfortunately I met a very crafty competitor in the qualifying round that managed to score two points with an interesting rule I was unaware of. He had super strong grips and was able to hold on to the two points to eliminate me from the competition as our five minute match came to a close. The good here is that he is a super nice guy; I will go back to some basics this year, and prepare for these very tactical fighters next year. Watching the division it is more of a tactical issue to one of skill. Watching many of my training partners we had similar issues with people stalling out tactically and getting us by small margins.


Good 5

The Good

Good 6

It was really cool to go down to a big competition with a team of training partners. Many of us are coming back much closer, with inside jokes, and knowing our competitors are in trouble next year. One of our teammates arm barred all of his competitors to become world champion and we have another podium finisher in our good Friend/training partner Megumi. So we did not come home completely empty handed. On Saturday once everything was said and done we had a big team dinner. It was great to cut loose and have a great meal with everybody. All and all the experience from the event, seminars, and meeting many famous people in the jiu Jitsu space will leave us better for our participation.

Good 7



Good and bad things are going to come. You are the one that gets the opportunity to Grow and learn from them or not. When faced with an outcome you did not want will you cower away or use it as fuel to continue to level up and move forward?

Good 7




1.       30-25-20-15-10

DU Cross overs



2.       Back Squat



3.       7 rnds

7 Alt single arm DB Devils press

100m Single arm DB Carry



4.       3rnds

60 sec freestanding handstand hold

60 sec L-sit

800m run


5.       Barbell TGU


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