Empower Blog

There is always a good excuse not to show up.

Showing Up is the Hardest Part

January 03, 20254 min read

While fitness professionals make a big deal about arguing over the most effective training protocol, the truth is, that while some programs are more effective than others, everything works.  Well, it works if you do.  And by that I mean, if you show up.  Because, let’s face it, showing up is the hardest part.

There is always a good excuse not to show up.  Time is the favourite go-to, but aches, pains and damaged body parts are other appealing options.  And as legitimate as any of those excuses sound to your ears, you need only glance around our gym to see someone busier than you showing up to get the workout done or someone managing to keep their training consistent despite an injury or other physical limitation.

That’s what the Unstoppable Challenge was all about.  Inspired by Fierce who spent 9 months of the calendar year pregnant AND delivered a child and still managed to complete every workout programmed by
CrossFit.com that year.  And did I mention that she already had 3 young children at home to care for? 

Our 2024 Unstoppable champions are not new to the game.  KMT and The Assassin have now logged 20+ workouts every month for 36 consecutive months!  For Smash and HHH that number is 60 consecutive months!  How is that for consistency?

You can bet that all 4 of our champions faced obstacles to their training goals over the past few years.  Illness, travel, career demands, family, injuries and for Smash and HHH who started in 2020, COVID closures!  And yet, undaunted, instead of giving in to excuses when the going got hard, the 4 of them found a way to get it done.  That is the Unstoppable mindset.

Due to declining participation, we will not be continuing the Unstoppable challenge in 2025 but I hope that by now KMT, The Assassin, HHH and Smash have already internalized the unstoppable mindset and no longer need the external motivation to continue their exemplary fitness habits.

And we hope that some of you will be inspired by their example to commit to a consistent training practice for yourself.  What do we mean by consistent?  If fitness is your goal, you should be aiming for no less than 3-4 training sessions per week.  More is not necessarily better.  If you’ve struggled with consistency in the past, don’t set a goal of 5 days a week, begin with a realistic number and master that before you take it to the next level. 

Before CrossFit, I never managed to stay on any specific fitness program for more than 6 months before dropping off.  I’d start strong then get sick, injured or busy and fall out of the habit only to start up again a few weeks or months later.  Only since discovering CrossFit in 2005 at age 33, have I found a program I could stick with and, even then, between 2005 and 2008 I only dabbled.  It wasn’t until 2008 at age 36 that I became consistent with my training.  I started with 3 days a week for the first year or two before ramping up to 4 days per week.  In 2013 I took it up another notch with the goal of completing every programmed CrossFit WOD (I failed the first year missing 2 of the programmed WODs, the sting of that failure and of how close I came to success spurred the next 11 unblemished years). 

For a guy who had 36 years experience of training inconsistently, 16 years is not a bad run.  What I’m trying to say is that past habits do not define you.  Whether you’ve succeeded in being consistent before or not, it is never too late to start.  How would it feel to look in the mirror and recognize yourself as someone who shows up when they say they will?

And while we’re on the subject of consistency, I want to give another shout out to all our Empower coaches who kept the gym open through the holidays so members could stay consistent with their training commitment!       

Vancouver Personal Training

Friday Make Up Day

1) 8 min AMRAP
2 wall walks

2 deadlifts

2) 2 rounds for time of:

50 alternating dumbbell snatches

50 wall-ball shots

Strict Nicole
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
Max-reps strict pull-ups

4) 7 sets for load of:

1 deadlift
1 hang power clean
1 power clean

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