Empower Blog

Youth athletes strength training

Strength Training for Youth Athletes: what are the benefits?

August 22, 20242 min read

Deadlift strength training youth athletes

Though improved athletic performance and muscular gain are the most commonly talked about. The benefits of strength training go beyond those two areas. The advantages both physically and psychologically have a huge impact on life-long fitness and general well-being.

During adolescence the body is going through many changes including the rapid growth in bones, muscles and connective tissues. Resistance and strength training alongside injury prevention movements can ensure longevity in future sport and fitness. The developing muscular fibers in young athletes have shown to respond better to resistance training as they mature. Strength training ensures that muscular tissues expand and align properly, leading to balanced development. This promotes functional strength, which is important for daily activities and sports. 

We also now know that strength training is incredibly important for supporting bone health. Weight bearing exercise helps strengthen bones and lower chances of osteoporosis in later life. The body’s ability to manufacture new bones peaks during adolescence. Strength training promotes the formation of new bones and raises bone density. Female youth athletes should pay special attention to this as they have an increased chance of developing osteoporosis in the future. Building a solid skeletal foundation at a younger age can be preventative intervention. 

In addition to enhanced muscular development and bone health, strength training improves metabolic health. It aids in weight maintenance, both of which are critical in preventing lifestyle disorders like diabetes. Strength training increases muscle mass, which raises the resting metabolic rate and causes the body to burn more calories when at rest. With a good strength training and nutrition program, your youth athlete can learn about healthy eating to fuel their changing bodies. 

All our youth classes have strength training components included in the programming and having coached youth athletes for more than a dozen years, I absolutely see the benefits to these young athletes.

If you are interested in any of our programs or have any questions how Empower Youth can benefit your child, please contact Coach Barb at [email protected]

KB strength training youth athletes

Thursdays Workout

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

6 lateral burpees over a dumbbell
12 dumbbell front-rack lunges
24 double-unders

♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells

See you at the gym!


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