Empower Blog

Getting Steps

W.I.N. Summer Fitness Challenge FAQ

May 15, 20244 min read

What's Important Now? With the summer months drawing near and the second half of the year looming ahead, it's an opportune moment to pause and contemplate our priorities. Are our current actions aligning with our aspirations? Take a moment to reflect: Are you actively pursuing what truly matters to you?  If not, revitalize your health and fitness aspirations with our Summer Fitness Challenge!


In summer do you struggle to:

Work out in the heat?
Drink enough water?
Stay consistent with exercise due to changes in routine, vacation, and travel plans?
Stay well nourished due to increased socializing, barbecues, and special events?
Manage body image pressure?

If so, our challenge will guide you through it all. Seize this opportunity and emerge from summer stronger, fitter, and more confident than ever!

During this Challenge, you will receive:

Pre and Post InBody Scans
45-minute Ruck Workouts at 7 am at Empower (optional) June 1,8,15,22 & 29.
Practical tips and strategies to increase your protein consumption.
Guidance on navigating travel and social situations.
Weekly core workouts.
Mindset support and practice suggestions.
Structure, accountability, and coaching to stay on track, when the beach and BBQs beckon.

What you will do:

Commit to eating 40 grams of protein at your first and last meal of the day.
Consume 3+ cups of fruits and vegetables a day.
Complete 3 strength-based workouts a week
Tackle a weekly core challenge.
Walk 7000 steps a day.
Adopt a simple daily mindset practice.

Simple Steps

At first glace our 6 week Summer Fitness Challenge may look deceptively simple. However, the truth is, that success in nutrition and fitness hinges more on consistency than complexity. That's the essence of this challenge: to cultivate regularity in protein intake, strength training, and restorative activities like walking, while also addressing mindset patterns that may undermine progress. By focusing on these fundamentals for 6 weeks we will pave our way towards sustainable practices that will keep us fit for what life throws our way.


Why commit to consuming 40 grams of protein at your first and last meal of the day?

Let's break it down. Picture this: "Win the morning. Win the day. Set up at night. Shine in the morning light." These mantras underscore the importance of these pivotal meals. Starting your day with a hearty dose of protein not only fuels muscle growth but also provides sustained energy, keeping you focused and satiated longer than a sugary breakfast would. Similarly, ending your day with protein supports muscle repair during sleep and curbs nighttime sugar cravings. By mastering these meals, you'll seamlessly incorporate protein-rich choices into your entire day.

So, while you may question whether 40 grams at two meals is sufficient, commit to consistently nailing these two meals for 6 weeks and watch what happens.  You'll witness firsthand how this regimen positively impacts not only your overall protein intake but also your eating habits as a whole.

Can you tell me more about the Ruck Workouts?

These 45-minute sessions are designed to make the most of the beautiful, early summer mornings. These rucks are not a casual stroll and we will integrate various exercises to increase your fitness.   Our first workout will be as follows: Over a 35-minute period, walk briskly with a weighted pack, stop every five minutes and perform with the weighted pack, 1 minute of squats and 1 minute of an elevated plank.

Can I drink, eat cake?


This challenge takes an inclusive approach to nutrition and fitness, focusing on what we can add to our lives to optimize health rather than restrict ourselves  Rigid limitations can lead to bingeing and aren't sustainable.  Instead, this Challenge encourages you to fill up on protein, fruits, and vegetables. By prioritizing these nutrient-rich foods, you will naturally crave less of the less nutritious options. While body composition goals are typically best served by limiting alcohol and processed foods, there's still room for less nutrient rich foods. See the difference this approach makes by joining us in getting your protein in, logging your steps, strength training regularly, and rucking on Saturday mornings. And hey, if you're up for a serious challenge, watch a Canucks game beer-free! Go. Canucks. Go!

Summer Fitness Challenge Accepted here.

playoff fitness

Bring a Friend! Lift Over Forty: Women's Strength and Nutrition Program

Balancing commitments as we age can make it challenging to see friends as often as we'd like. If you're missing those moments, why not reconnect and strengthen bonds while prioritizing your health? Women, come join us Wednesday nights at Empower starting June 5th at 7pm for our Lift over Forty Summer Strength Training Class for Women. It's more than just a workout—it's girl's night at its best, combining fitness with friendship. Details here.


Wednesday WOD

Warm up 

2 rnds

A                B 

Row          Full body rocks 


DB Snatches 

Burpee overs



5x 3 minute rounds 

400/500m Row 

8 Burpee over rower 

max DB Snatches 35/50#

Cool down 


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